Register for the Free Zoom Meeting
Before we jump into this special episode of the Kingdom Reformation Deep Dive, I want to remind you to register for our next leader’s Zoom session on Thursday, March 20 at 7:30 PM Eastern Time (Canada & the USA) on the topic of Fivefold Ministry Teams. Click on the button below to register!
Join the Deep Dive Discussion
Faith Anderson and Mark Reynolds explore Glenn Bleakney's book "3 Ways to Discern God is Moving You in a New Direction," discussing how to recognize divine guidance amid life's uncertainties.
Episode Description
In this thought-provoking conversation, Faith and Mark unpack Bleakney's wisdom on discerning spiritual signposts during life transitions. While we easily recognize temptations, we often miss God's subtle nudges toward new paths. Through biblical examples like Paul, Elijah, David, and Joseph, our hosts examine three key ways God redirects our lives:
The "disruption of plans" can be a divine detour for growth, not a setback
Periods of resource scarcity might actually be invitations to a new spiritual chapter
Ending relationships can sometimes be God's way of redirecting us
Whether you're facing career uncertainty, relationship changes, or spiritual crossroads, this episode offers practical insights for recognizing when God is guiding you toward something new. Join Faith and Mark as they share how wilderness experiences and "in-between" seasons often serve as essential preparation for our next assignment.
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